Intensity Series: Terminator – The Gauntlet Fitness Video Download $9.97

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Length: 71 Minutes
File Size: 987 MB
The Terminator was made by taking compilations from our three Intensity series DVDs and combining them in a new and unique way. As you might guess from the names, these workouts are designed to challenge even an advanced exerciser.
The Gauntlet was made by combining One Imax 2 interval + one Boot Camp lower body + one Cardio & Weights compound weights + one Boot Camp upper body + one Boot camp cardio….. Then repeat this pattern 7 times doing different exercises each time. The other two Terminator can be purchsed separately.
Equipment Needed:
step, a 14 inch tall bench (High Step), a barbell, various weighted dumbbells, and a medicine ball (we will use an 8 pound medicine ball)