ICE Series Discount Bundle $99.97

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What is the ICE series? ICE, which stands for Intermediate Conditioning Extreme, is my new comprehensive intermediate series that will provide everything you’ve asked for and more. This discount bundle includes all 7 ICE workouts as well as all ICE Bonus videos. Like all of our downloads premixes are not included.
So many of our Cathletes have requested an intermediate series and ICE is 100% that plus so much more!!! How so? Well for starters we will have a modifier in our cast clearly visible throughout each workout. We will also offer so many “cool” options/extras in the ICE series that are not only desirable to the intermediate exerciser, but to all levels of fitness. Get ready for chilling new solid intermediate cardio workouts that offer additional “Blizzard Blast” intensity options for those intermediate exercisers who want to push their workouts to the next level. These same workout options are perfect for those advanced exercisers who are looking to engage in challenging workouts that don’t quite push them as hard as their typical advanced workouts do.
You’ll also have a “Muscle Meltdown” option which allows you to do solid weight workout for each individual body part. Oh, and don’t let me forget to tell you about the two “Icy Core” ab add-ons to strengthen and tighten the core from multiple planes.
All of this is just the tip of the iceberg! Tee hee! Now on to the more chilling details about each workout!
About My 7 New ICE videos
Rock’m Sock’m Kickbox
This workout packs a punch! Cardio-based punching and kicking drills along with fun new kickbox blasts are sure to keep you sweating throughout this supercharged workout! This video includes Muscle Meltdown Triceps as well as a Blizzard Blast option and an Icy Core add-on.
Boot Camp Circuit
As I’ve always said, “You can do anything for a minute!” This boot camp circuit workout proves it once again. Arranged in 60 second intervals, each interval will have a mix of cardio, upper body, lower body and core to ensure that nothing is left untouched! This video includes Muscle Meltdown Biceps as well as the Blizzard Blast option and an Icy Core add-on.
Low Impact Sweat
Who says we can’t carry “low” to new heights? This video will be split into two short but intense total low impact workouts that will keep your metabolism revved and keep that fat melting! This video will remain low impact throughout and will utilize HiiT movements to ensure great results in a short amount of time! This video includes Muscle Meltdown Back as well as a Blizzard Blast option and an Icy Core add-on.
Metabolic Total Body
No time for single body parts this week? This metabolic training workout will touch all muscle groups while also getting cardio benefits through elevated heart rate and compound movement. This video includes Muscle Meltdown Chest as well as a Blizzard Blast option and an Icy Core add-on.
To The Mat: Legs & Glutes
Get down and get ready for an all-floor-based workout that is sure to carve out the legs and glutes like no other! All of the exercises in this video will utilize a parallel mat conditioning method to totally fatigue the lower body without the strain that traditional standing leg work can put on the back and knees. But, don’t be fooled! This workout is no nonsense. This video includes Muscle Meltdown Shoulders as well as an Icy Core add-on!
Chiseled Upper Body
It’s time to carve out the upper body you’ve always dreamed of! This upper body strength video will include a mix of traditional and unique exercises for those of you who are looking to work the entire upper body in one workout! This video will include an Icy Core add-on.
Chiseled Lower Body Blast
This lower body and cardio workout will utilize strength exercises and blasts to chisel the entire lower body! This video includes Muscle Meltdown Shoulders (the same shoulder workout as “To the Mat” uses for your convenience) as well as a Blizzard Blast option and an Icy Core add-on!
Free Online Users Guide
An online user guide with several rotations and complete workout instructions can be downloaded as a PDF or viewed on your computer. Rotations will also include our QuickSelect for OnDemand users which will automatically and instantly launch your OnDemand videos.
The ICE Series Also Includes These Bonus Workouts
5 “Muscle Meltdown” Workouts (so you can train individual muscle groups just like in CTX)
2 Bonus Core Workouts
5 Bonus Blizzard Blasts (more advanced exercisers can ramp up the intensity with these add-ons)